
Bodecker Partners AB

Bodecker Partners expertise is in the Nordic Power markets is unique. We offer independent advisory services and management of merchant market risks to investors and asset owners of Nordic renewable power production as well as PPA advisory to industry sourcing sustainable renewable electricity.


Centrica Energy Trading A/S

Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading is Centrica’s trading arm. We trade energy commodities – connecting producers, suppliers, and corporate off-takers in wholesale energy markets. Providing third-party clients with leading energy route-to-market services, our portfolio of third-party power generation assets exceeds 15GW where 85% are renewables. To service clients across Europe, we have main offices in the UK and Denmark, branches in Norway and Sweden and subsidiaries in Germany and Singapore.


Elomatic Consulting & Engineering Oy

Elomatic Oy is a Finnish consulting and engineering company with more than 50 years of experience in the marine and offshore industry.
In addition, the company provides demanding expert services to the process, machinery and pharmaceutical industries, among others.
Elomatic focuses on continuous improvement, hybrid solutions, alternative fuels, and energy saving solutions.
The privately owned company employs more than 1,100 professionals around the world.

In wind related business Elomatic focuses on Offshore Wind Farm projects with EPCM services for pat.pending Float Foundation concept.




We offer a wide selection of different consulting services related to wind power.

We have extensive experience of Due Diligence projects for the wind power industry. We understand the importance of flexibility and speed in a Due Diligence Process.
Want to optimize your wind or solar farm? We offer various studies needed during the permitting process.
We evaluate the core resources of your project, tailored according to your needs.
We have calculated feasibility for an extensive number of wind and solar power projects in Finland using our own developed feasibility calculation model.
We have successfully participated in over a dozen transactions of Finnish wind power projects, usually acting as the seller’s advisor.
We offer various services for permitted or operational wind farm projects.

IN ADDITION TO separate consulting services, we offer overall development services. Our largest service package is a set of all the services that a project owner needs to advance the project from idea to building permit.


Outokumpu Oyj

Outokumpu on vastuullisen ruostumattoman teräksen johtava valmistaja. Ruostumaton teräs on ympäristöä säästävä, kierrätettävä ja luja materiaali, joka on suunniteltu kestämään ikuisesti. Yhteiskunnan perusrakenteiden ja kuuluisien maamerkkien lisäksi asiakkaamme valmistavat ruostumattomasta teräksestä tuotteita kotitalouksien ja teollisuuden käyttöön. Outokummun palveluksessa on noin 9 000 ammattilaista yli 30 maassa. Konsernin pääkonttori sijaitsee Helsingissä, ja yhtiön osake on listattu Nasdaq Helsingissä.

P2X Solutions Oy

P2X Solutions on suomalainen vihreän vedyn ja Power-to-X-teknologian edelläkävijä. Vauhditamme vetymarkkinan syntyä kokonaisvaltaisesti ja innovatiivisesti arvoketjun kaikilla osa-alueilla.
Toimimme vihreän vedyn ja synteettisen polttoaineen tuottajana ja jakelijana sekä toimitamme vetylaitokset asiakaslähtöisesti tarvittaessa avaimet käteen -periaatteella. Rakennamme parhaillaan Suomen ensimmäistä teollisen mittakaavan uusiutuvan vihreän vedyn ja synteettisen metaanin tuotantolaitosta Satakunnan Harjavaltaan. Tavoittelemme kaiken kaikkiaan 1 GW:n vedyntuotantokapasiteettia vuoteen 2031 mennessä.


Pondera Consult B.V.


At Pondera, we envision a world powered entirely by renewable sources. As a recognized consultancy and development firm in a vibrant energy landscape, we pledge our unwavering commitment to accelerate the global transition towards this goal.

Pioneers are the main element for change. That’s why every member of our rapidly expanding, multidisciplinary team is a pioneer in their own way. Together we push for new frontiers in-sustainable energy generation, transport, conversion, and storage. This is how we anticipate on future energy needs and transitions.

Our milestones range from contributing to the world’s first offshore wind farm to contributing to development of more than 16 GW of renewable energy projects worldwide. Every Pondera project, large or small, adds an essential piece to the global energy transition puzzle.

Pondera is a beacon for all who are dedicated to the energy transition. Our work transcends borders, driven by the belief that the key to overcoming societal challenges is through international collaboration of businesses and governments. With innovative solutions we pioneer in renewable energy, guiding the world to a sustainable, clean and secure energy supply.

We are Pondera – Pursuing new horizons in renewable energy.


RWE Renewables Finland Oy Ab

RWE Renewables is RWE´s renewables powerhouse of the future. While until 2022 up to net €5 billion will be available annually for renewables and innovative storage technologies, the operating business is focusing on offshore and onshore wind as well as photovoltaics.

Our generation of electricity from renewable energy sources is pooled within RWE Renewables, where RWE has risen to become the key player in this field. In the future-proof field of offshore wind power and renewable energy, we are one of the largest electricity generators world-wide.

We have one goal – to be carbon-neutral by 2040. So we are reducing our carbon emissions as quickly and substantially as possible, by systematically cutting back or converting our conventional power plants. Between 2012 to 2019 we already halved our greenhouse gases. No other company in Germany has achieved more in recent years, and we fully intend to maintain this momentum.

Our employees work together to advance new, innovative technologies and carry out a range of exciting projects. By 2022 we intend to invest up to 5 billion euros net in the expansion of renewables and storage technologies. With the participation of potential project partners, our medium-term investment budget could be as high as 9 billion. The Americas, our European core markets and new markets in the Asia Pacific region are the main focus. The project pipeline is full across all technologies, including wind power on sea and land and photovoltaic systems. In Sweden we are currently building the largest onshore wind farm in all of Europe and in Australia we are working on the nation’s largest solar power plant.


Statkraft Energi AS

PPA-osto ja -myynti, sekä balansointipalvelu.



Uusiutuvan energialiiketoiminnan ennakkoluuloton neuvonantaja. Innovatiiviset PPA -ratkaisut tuottajille ja sähkön ostajille. Etsimme tuulipuistosi strategiaan soveltuvat PPA -sähkön ostajat. Autamme yritystäsi laatimaan uusiutuvan energian hankintastrategian, sekä yhdistämme teidät teille soveltuvan uusiutuvan energian toimittajan kanssa.

