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Pietarsaaren Satama Oy

Tehokas ja joustava satama Pietarsaaressa Pohjanmaalla.
Meillä on isot valmiit varastokentät jotka mahdollistavat tuulivoimaloiden komponenttien välivarastoinnin ennen jatkokuljetusta Valtatie 8:lle ja edelleen tuulivoimapuistoihin.


Pitkälänvuoren Tuulipuisto Oy Ab

The company is planning wind power turbine projects. It is owned by Finish and German shareholders with vast experience in wind power project development.

Pohjan Voima Oy

Pohjan Voima Oy rakentaa edullista ja luotettavaa energiaa paikallisia ihmisiä ja luontoa kunnioittaen. Toimintamme painopiste on uusien tuulivoima- ja aurinkosähköhankkeiden suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa.



Pondera Consult B.V.


At Pondera, we envision a world powered entirely by renewable sources. As a recognized consultancy and development firm in a vibrant energy landscape, we pledge our unwavering commitment to accelerate the global transition towards this goal.

Pioneers are the main element for change. That’s why every member of our rapidly expanding, multidisciplinary team is a pioneer in their own way. Together we push for new frontiers in-sustainable energy generation, transport, conversion, and storage. This is how we anticipate on future energy needs and transitions.

Our milestones range from contributing to the world’s first offshore wind farm to contributing to development of more than 16 GW of renewable energy projects worldwide. Every Pondera project, large or small, adds an essential piece to the global energy transition puzzle.

Pondera is a beacon for all who are dedicated to the energy transition. Our work transcends borders, driven by the belief that the key to overcoming societal challenges is through international collaboration of businesses and governments. With innovative solutions we pioneer in renewable energy, guiding the world to a sustainable, clean and secure energy supply.

We are Pondera – Pursuing new horizons in renewable energy.
