
22. - 23.10.2024


VIND 2024

The Swedish wind power industry’s biggest event, VIND 2024, will be held in Stockholm, Sweden on 22-23 October 2024. VIND is organized by the Swedish Wind Energy Association.

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22. - 24.10.2024



Energia-alan päätapahtuma Energiamessut (The Energy Event of Finland) järjestetään Tampereen Messu- ja Urheilukeskuksessa 22. – 24.10.2024. Joka toinen vuosi järjestettävä alansa suurtapahtuma esittelee energiantuotannon ja -teknologiat investointihankkeista laitosten käyttöön ja kunnossapitoon sekä energiatehokkaat ja kestävän kehityksen ratkaisut teollisuudelle ja kiinteistöille. Kestävien ja älykkäiden energiaratkaisujen lisäksi tapahtuma pureutuu ilmastonmuutokseen ja päästöjen hillintään. Tapahtumassa pureudutaan myös vetytalouteen […]

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24. - 25.10.2024


RE-Source 2024

Europe´s biggest renewable energy sourcing get-together is back in Amstredam. What can you expect from the 2024 edition? Network with 1400+ participants Learn from and engage with 100+ senior political and industry speakers Be a part of the 350+ prescheduled B2B meetings between clean energy buyers and suppliers Connect with  350+ corporate clean energy buyers In 2023, we saw record […]

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4. - 5.12.2024


EoLIS 2024

End-of-Life Issues & Strategies (EoLIS) Seminar 2024 arranged by WindEurope will be held 4-5 December. This year, EoLIS is heading to Sweden’s second city, Gothenburg, for a two-day roundup of the latest in the turbine end-of-life and circularity debate. It’s a chance to meet experts in turbine design and sustainability, and to meet technical wind […]

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3. - 5.2.2025


Winterwind 2025

Held in Skellefteå, Sweden on February 3-5 2025, Winterwind is an international seminar for everybody who is working with issues related to wind energy in cold climates. Winterwind found its niche in wind energy in cold climates and gathers every year the world’s wind energy professionals in Sweden to discuss the challenges of generating wind […]

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