
ABB Oy – ELDS Finland

ABB on johtava globaali teknologiayritys. Vauhditamme yhteiskunnan ja teollisuuden muutosta tuottavamman ja kestävämmän tulevaisuuden saavuttamiseksi. Olemme toimineet menestyksekkäästi jo yli 130 vuotta. ABB:läisiä työskentelee 110 000 ammattilaista yli 100 maassa, joista Suomessa noin 5 000.

Aquila Clean Energy Finland Oy

Arise AB

Arise is a leading independent company that realises new green energy. The company manages the entire value chain – from exploration and permitting, to financing, construction, divestment and long-term management of its own and other companies’ wind farms. The company is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm.

Elomatic Consulting & Engineering Oy

Elomatic Oy is a Finnish consulting and engineering company with more than 50 years of experience in the marine and offshore industry.
In addition, the company provides demanding expert services to the process, machinery and pharmaceutical industries, among others.
Elomatic focuses on continuous improvement, hybrid solutions, alternative fuels, and energy saving solutions.
The privately owned company employs more than 1,100 professionals around the world.

In wind related business Elomatic focuses on Offshore Wind Farm projects with EPCM services for pat.pending Float Foundation concept.

eNordic Oy

eNordic on ranskalaisen pääomasijoitusyhtiön Ardianin pohjoismainen puhtaan energian sijoituksiin keskittyvä platform. Ardian on Euroopan suurin listaamattomien pääomamarkkinoiden asset manager, jonka hallinnoitavat varat ovat yli 150 miljardia euroa. Identifioimme ja toteutamme investointeja Ardianin infrastruktuurirahastoille ja vastaamme niiden portfoliohallinnasta. Ardianin rahastoilla on teollinen sijoitustrategia, joka tähtää sijoituskohteiden arvon kasvattamiseen aktiivisen omistamisen ja kohteiden kehittämisen kautta.

Fu-Gen Energia Oy

Uusiutuvien sähkön tuotantomuotojen mahdollistaja. Kehitämme ja investoimme tuulivoimaan, aurinkovoimaan, akkuvarastoihin sekä vetytuotantolaitoksiin.

Infrakit Group Oy

Infrakit on suomalainen pilvipalvelu, joka yhdistää infran rakentamisen elinkaaren toimijat samalle, visuaaliselle alustalle. Mahdollistamme (esi)suunnittelun, rakentamisen ja luovutusvaiheen kautta kunnossapidon saumattoman yhteistyön. Saumaton tiedonkulku parantaa suunnittelun ja rakentamisen laatua, lyhentää läpimenoaikaa ja parantaa tuottavuutta.
Visiona meillä on nollapäästöiset rakentamishankkeet. Infrakit kehittää alustaan kytkettävien koneiden ja laitteiden CO2-päästöjen mittauksen, joka on ensimmäinen askel kohti päästöjen optimointia. Toimimalla resurssiviisaasti ja rakentamalla kerralla oikein on jo nyt mahdollista vaikuttaa hankkeiden päästöihin.


Korkia Oyj

Toimimme uusiutuvan energian ja erityisesti aurinko- ja tuulivoiman parissa. Emme ainoastaan osta omistuksia, vaan olemme aktiivinen aurinko- ja tuulivoiman kehittäjä ja sijoittaja. Rahoitamme erityisesti uusiutuvan energian hankekehitysvaihetta.

Low Carbon Renewables Fund SCSp

Low Carbon is a privately-owned UK investment and asset management company founded in 2011. We are committed to making a positive and significant impact on climate change by investing in large-scale renewable energy projects. Specifically, we target investments in solar, onshore wind, offshore wind, waste-to-energy, battery storage and other proven renewable energy technologies.

Renewable Power Capital Limited

Renewable Power Capital is a pan-European renewable energy investment platform established in 2020, backed by CPP Investments. Renewable Power Capital is registered in England and Wales, with headquarters in London. We invest in the development, construction and long-term ownership of onshore wind and solar projects, enabling energy transition and driving stable long-term, risk-adjusted returns. Our flexible mandate allows us to structure investments that recognise the changing market dynamics in Europe and to develop innovative solutions for managing development, construction and merchant investments. Renewable Power Capital is led by a seasoned and established team of energy investment professionals with deep renewable power, technical and operational expertise and a strong common purpose. We are dedicated to the renewable energy sector, with a truly long-term mind set, creating value over decades rather than months. We are committed to industry leading practices and standards through all our operations, with a diligent focus on health, safety and environmental management. Renewable Power Capital is focused on building strong, lasting partnerships centred on trust and integrity in alignment with the values of our investor and our global network of CPP Investments’ portfolio companies. Renewable Power Capital aims to pioneer the European renewables sector, accelerating the already rapid growth and playing a key role in making the energy transition a reality.

RWE Renewables Finland Oy Ab

RWE Renewables is RWE´s renewables powerhouse of the future. While until 2022 up to net €5 billion will be available annually for renewables and innovative storage technologies, the operating business is focusing on offshore and onshore wind as well as photovoltaics.

Our generation of electricity from renewable energy sources is pooled within RWE Renewables, where RWE has risen to become the key player in this field. In the future-proof field of offshore wind power and renewable energy, we are one of the largest electricity generators world-wide.

We have one goal – to be carbon-neutral by 2040. So we are reducing our carbon emissions as quickly and substantially as possible, by systematically cutting back or converting our conventional power plants. Between 2012 to 2019 we already halved our greenhouse gases. No other company in Germany has achieved more in recent years, and we fully intend to maintain this momentum.

Our employees work together to advance new, innovative technologies and carry out a range of exciting projects. By 2022 we intend to invest up to 5 billion euros net in the expansion of renewables and storage technologies. With the participation of potential project partners, our medium-term investment budget could be as high as 9 billion. The Americas, our European core markets and new markets in the Asia Pacific region are the main focus. The project pipeline is full across all technologies, including wind power on sea and land and photovoltaic systems. In Sweden we are currently building the largest onshore wind farm in all of Europe and in Australia we are working on the nation’s largest solar power plant.

Skarta Energy Oy

Skarta Energy on suomalainen uusiutuvan energian kehittäjä ja toteuttaja, joka sai alkunsa yhteistyöstä, innovatiivisesta ajattelusta ja vahvasta visiosta: haluamme yhdessä tehdä Suomesta uusiutuvan energian suurmaan.

Skyborn Renewables Oy

Merituulivoima puistojen kehitys, rakennuttaminen ja hallinnointi.

TOWII Renewables A/S

TOWII Renewables is owned jointly by Danish energy group EWII and Japanese utility Tokyo Gas which are with over 100 years in business. With the biggest advantages backed by our owners, we want to promote the green transformation and develop sustainable energy in the form of wind power, solar power and, electricity storage. We also focus on developing 1 GW of sustainable energy towards 2030. To achieve this ambitious target, we are now developing the renewable energy assets for customers all over Denmark – and soon in Nordics and other markets as well.

Ålandsbanken Rahastoyhtiö Oy

Ålandsbanken Rahastoyhtiö hallinnoi Ålandsbanken Tuulivoima Erikoissijoitusrahastoa, joka investoi tuulivoimahankkeisiin Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa. Rahasto mahdollistaa koko tuulivoimahankkeen elinkaaren aikana tuottaman lisäarvon jakamisen paikallisesti ja koko yhteiskunnalle.