Acting in the community

Acting in the community

The way representatives of the wind industry act and behave in the municipalities where their projects are located has an impact on how our industry is seen by the public. It is therefore important to act with this information in mind. When active in Finnish municipalities, you do not only represent your company, but also the industry as a whole. Finland is a small country and especially negative news spreads very easily. Whatever your role in a wind energy project might be, it is mandatory and obvious that you follow Finnish laws and regulations.

Safety at workplaces as well as employees’ rights are of great importance here. Generally, honesty and transparency play an important role in Finnish society and these are key attributes that are related to a good project. Dealing with all stakeholders and interest groups in an equal and fair way is a good habit and should be followed by everyone. Informing locals on important matters is a common practice and it is legally a part of every land-use planning process. Certain areas in Finland have different habits and customs that one should be aware of. Something that is considered a working method or acceptable behavior in other countries, might not necessarily apply to Finland.

The EIA and spatial planning processes include public information and discussion events as an essential part, but additional public events should also be organized. The local press should also be informed about the progress of the project – it is often happy to receive information about the project and pass it on to the local community.