
BB Logistics Oy

Asiantuntijamme suunnittelevat ahtaus- ja varastointitoiminnot tuottaaksemme komponenteille mahdollisimman tehokkaan varastoinnin. Suunnittelemme lastinkäsittelyn tarkkaan etukäteen ja eri skenaarioiden osalta. Tavoittelemme mahdollisimman vähän käsittelyjä ja siirrettyjä metrejä. Huolehdimme, että tieto kumppaneidemme kanssa kulkee saumattomasti, jotta komponentit siirtyvät ilman kitkaa päämääräänsä. Otamme ennakkoluulottomasti hoitaaksemme kaikki pyynnöt projekteihin liittyen. Olemme luotettava projektikumppani.

Projekteissa olemme lähellä asiakasta ja pyrimme keksimään keinot mahdottomiinkin ongelmiin. Pyrimme toteuttamaan palveluja myös tilatun lisäksi. Teemme kaikkemme, ettemme joudu kieltäytymään.

Kalustoa ylläpidämme ajatellen, että tuoreus ja vahvuus tuovat turvallisuutta. Panostamme mielellämme kriittisiin pisteisiin, silti varautuen myös vaihtoehtoihin.

Henkilöstömme on meille enemmän kuin resurssi. Rekrytoinnin sijaan rakennamme joukkuetta. Hyvä ilmapiiri takaa tehokkaan ja työstä innostuneen otteen. Annamme varsinaisen työn tekijöiden ideoida ja kehittää tekemäänsä. Näin löydämme innovatiivisia tapoja toimia, siitä pidämme.

Palvelemalla asiakkaita joustavalla ja innovatiivisella asenteella, jolla olemme rakentaneet BB Logisticsin kokemusta muiden lastien kanssa, tuotamme palvelulle ensiluokkaisen laatutason.

Bertel O. Steen Power Solutions

BOS Power provides electrolyzers, fuel cell, battery energy storage and propulsion systems with a focus on sustainability, quality and reliability. ​

We secure mission critical operations for our customers in the wind power industry both off-and onshore, in the Nordic region. ​

As a systems integrator and service provider we take care of the complete delivery from design, production and commissioning to support and service.​

Headquartered in Bergen, BOS Power operates in 9 locations in the Nordic region and is part of the Bertel O. Steen Group in Norway. ​

Centrica Energy Trading A/S

Centrica Energy Marketing & Trading is Centrica’s trading arm. We trade energy commodities – connecting producers, suppliers, and corporate off-takers in wholesale energy markets. Providing third-party clients with leading energy route-to-market services, our portfolio of third-party power generation assets exceeds 15GW where 85% are renewables. To service clients across Europe, we have main offices in the UK and Denmark, branches in Norway and Sweden and subsidiaries in Germany and Singapore.

Renantis Finland Oy

We are a global player in the field of renewable energies. We develop, design, build and manage plants that generate clean energy. We also provide highly specialized energy management and downstream services to both energy producers and consumers and use our know-how to manage third-party assets from a technical and administrative perspective.

Renewable Power Capital Limited

Renewable Power Capital is a pan-European renewable energy investment platform established in 2020, backed by CPP Investments. Renewable Power Capital is registered in England and Wales, with headquarters in London. We invest in the development, construction and long-term ownership of onshore wind and solar projects, enabling energy transition and driving stable long-term, risk-adjusted returns. Our flexible mandate allows us to structure investments that recognise the changing market dynamics in Europe and to develop innovative solutions for managing development, construction and merchant investments. Renewable Power Capital is led by a seasoned and established team of energy investment professionals with deep renewable power, technical and operational expertise and a strong common purpose. We are dedicated to the renewable energy sector, with a truly long-term mind set, creating value over decades rather than months. We are committed to industry leading practices and standards through all our operations, with a diligent focus on health, safety and environmental management. Renewable Power Capital is focused on building strong, lasting partnerships centred on trust and integrity in alignment with the values of our investor and our global network of CPP Investments’ portfolio companies. Renewable Power Capital aims to pioneer the European renewables sector, accelerating the already rapid growth and playing a key role in making the energy transition a reality.

Statkraft Energi AS

PPA-osto ja -myynti, sekä balansointipalvelu.

Wolf Energetik GmbH

The German engineering company Wolf Energetik is a technology provider offering basic engineering, know-how transfer and licensing rights for the FEREDOX technology. This proven industrial technology is a safe method for chemical storage of hydrogen and electricity. The solid storage material used is an iron compound that is robust, non-toxic and has a high storage density. Closed-loop operation guarantees high energy efficiency and makes FEREDOX a cost-efficient electricity storage system. Development and performance optimization are carried out in Wolf Energetik's test facilities at the German Fuel Institute in Freiberg. The company's headquarters are in Dresden, both innovative locations in the emerging hydrogen region of Saxony.