FWPA Annual General Meeting 2024
The Annual General Meeting of the Finnish Wind Energy Association will be held on 18.4.2024 at 13.00 at Fondia, Aleksanterinkatu 11 (Entrance: Kluuvikatu 6 A). Remote participation via telecommunication is also possible.
The necessary links to the remote meeting will be sent to the registrants separately by e-mail.
In addition to the statutory matters, the meeting will also discuss the amendment of the bylaws and the extension of the association’s lobbying to solar power and related projects – so come and have your say!
In addition to the official meeting, there will be networking opportunities and interesting presentations.
To ensure catering and due to the remote voting system required for the hybrid meeting, we require our members and their proxies to register by 16:00 on Friday 12.4.2024. To exercise a member’s right to vote at the meeting, the member must have registered for the meeting by the deadline. Voting rights are determined by the rules.
The meeting is open to all FWPA members and persons employed by member companies who do not have voting rights are also welcome to attend the meeting. They are also requested to register for the meeting by the deadline above.
Register for the annual meeting Download the proxy form